

The broker can  negotiate  with several  candidates  simultaneouslyThis should, however, he  does  to those concerned  to make known

The  seller  determines  which he  sells  his home  in consultation  with his  RealtorThe  buyer can  negotiate the price, but the  seller decidesThis applies to all  goods which the seller  considers important  to decide whether  his home to  this buyer. If  the seller and buyer  agree about these matters, there is  a buy.

Sometimes the seller and  buyer a number of less  important matters, "movable property"  for exampleonly  to negotiate  when they talk about  the  principal issues.  In such a  case,  the court may  provide that  if  the  parties  can not agree  side issues, now  they are  on their  own  sometimes  indicated as the principal, must  continue to negotiate  until a reasonable  result is  achieved on the  side issues.

You can  not force  you are negotiatingYou are only in  negotiation when the  seller responds to  your bidSo if  the  seller  makes a counterAlso, the  selling broker  explicitly  indicate that he  is negotiating  with youYou are  not negotiating  the  selling  broker says that  he is your  bid  will consult  with the seller.


Banken hanteren strakke spelregels voor de verstrekking van nieuwe hypotheken. Deze zijn opgenomen in de Gedragscode Hypothecaire Financieringen (GHF) in combinatie met ministriële regelingen. Welke regels zijn dat en wat mag u lenen?

Naast de inkomenseis telt voor geldverstrekkers ook de 'marktwaarde' van de woning. De geldverstrekker bepaalt wat die marktwaarde precies is. Dat kan zijn:

  • De koopprijs van de woning
  • De koop-/aanneemsom, eventueel vermeerderd met grondprijs, bouwkosten, meerwerk, bouwrente en aansluiten nutsvoorzieningen
  • De getaxeerde waarde, eventueel na verbouw

Voor een bestaande woning mag u in 2014 maximaal 104% van de marktwaarde lenen (eventueel na verbouwing).

In 2018 mag de maximale hypotheek niet meer hoger zijn dan de marktwaarde van de woning (100%). Daarom wordt vanaf 2013 de maximale hypotheek in zes gelijke stappen van 1% verlaagd. U zult dus in de toekomst de bijkomende kosten steeds meer zelf moeten betalen.  

No. The  highest courtthe Supreme Court  has  in fact  ruled that the  asking price of a  property is an invitation  to make  an offerIf the  asking price  of an  ad or  property guide, then you do  a bidThe seller can  then  decide whether to  accept  your  offer or not,  or that  his  broker a  counter offer.  He  may  even decide  the  asking price  during the negotiations  to increase.

"buyer's costs"  (kk)  means that the buyer  pays the costs of  the transfer of the  property  accounts forThe "buyers costs" is about 10of the purchase price. Among th e buyers costs  include the  following costs:
- Transfer Tax;
- Notary fees for  drafting the  deed of transfer;
- Land Registry  Fees  for  registration  deed of transfer.

In addition to these  costs, the buyer must  also  take account of:

- Notary fees for  drafting the  mortgage;
- Land Registry  Fees  for  mortgage  registration.

The costs  are  not  the  buyer  brokerage feesIf a seller is  an estate agent  to sell  his / her  property then  the seller will  have to pay  costs  of  this agentIf  the buyer is  an estate agent  for the purchase  of a property, the buyer will  pay the costs  of  this agency  must pay.

If  the  broker says  'under offer', it  means that he  has  a serious  candidatewhich  he  undertook  transactions with  others  not to  promoteThis does not mean  that  no more  can go  sightseeingThe broker  should  be clear  to indicate that  he "under offer" is.

During  the waiting period, the buyer can  still  undo  the agreementThus, the  opportunity  for  such  experts  to consult.
The reflection  takes  (at least) three  days starting  on the day  following the  day that  the buyer  (by both parties)  signed  certificate  or a copy there of  gets  handedThe  cooling-off period  ends  at midnight  of  the  last day  of the grace periodIt  is not  important  what time  the buyer  a copy of the  document  received


No. The costs  are  not  the  buyer  brokerage feesIf  you hire us  to sell  your property then  you will  have to pay  costs  of our servicesIf  the buyer is  an estate agent  for the purchase  of a home, the  buyer  must pay  cost of  our services.

An option  in the legal sense  gives  one party  a choice  by a unilateral  declaration of  a purchase agreement  with another party  to closeThe parties  have agreed on  the condition  of  the  sale, but the  buyer gets  such  week to think.

When buying  a new house  is such  an option is common. When  purchasing  an existing home  is often  erroneously  the term 'option' is used. Then it has  the meaning of certain  commitments  that  selling broker  can do  to an interested  buyer during the negotiationSuch a  commitment  might mean that  an interested buyer  for a few  days  to think  about  getting  a bidThe broker  will in the  meantime try  not  to another  party  to enter into negotiationsThe  interested buyer can  use this time to  a better  understanding of  mean  funding  or  uses of the property.

An option  can not demandthe seller and selling  broker  to decide  whether  given  negotiation  commitments.

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